Name:- Joram Adap Gyamar
Qlfn :- B.A
In the job:- Since 2002
– Basic Diploma course on hair & skin care @ Itanagar 2002
– Advance course on Skin @ Shahnaz Authorised Training Institute, Shilpukri, Guwahati, 2004
– Basic to Advance course on hair & skin care @Vocational Training Institute for Women, Kolkata from 2006-2008
– Loreal Passport course on hair care 2011
– Training on creative cutting, Color key concept and hair & scalp concerns @Tony & Guy, Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia 2014
– Attend and updated through master seminars & workshops from time to time within and outside the state with Loreal, de fabulous, Lotus, O3, Herbal line etc